
Is -9 A Real Number

The real numbers are a set of numbers with extremely important theoretical and practical properties. They tin can be considered to be the numbers used for ordinary measurement of physical things like length, area, weight, charge, etc. Mathematicians denote the set of existent numbers with an ornate upper-case letter alphabetic character: R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } . They are the 4thursday item in this hierarchy of types of numbers:

  • The "natural numbers"— N {\displaystyle \mathbb {N} } , 0, 1, two, 3, ... (At that place is controversy virtually whether zero should be included. It doesn't matter.)
  • The "integers"— Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } , positive, negative, and zero
  • The "rational numbers"— Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } , or fractions, like 355/113
  • The "real numbers"— R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } , including irrational numbers
  • The "complex numbers"— C {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} } , which give solutions to polynomial equations

Real numbers are typically represented by a decimal (or any other base) representation, as in 3.1416. It can be shown that any decimal representation that either terminates or gets into an endless repeating pattern is rational. The other numbers are real numbers that are irrational. Examples are 10 = 3.162277660168... {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}=3.162277660168...\,} and π = 3.1415926535... {\displaystyle \pi =3.1415926535...\,} . These decimal representations neither repeat nor end.

Formal definition [edit | edit source]

Formally, real numbers are the extension of the rationals that is metrically consummate, equally explained below. They could also be defined as the unique field which is ordered, metrically complete, and Archimedean. The reals can be constructed from the rationals by means of Dedekind cuts or Cauchy sequences, as outlined below.

Existent line [edit | edit source]

The real numbers can be thought of as a line, chosen the real line. Each real number represents a point on the existent line. [1]

The real line is useful every bit a coordinate system for graphing functions. Thus, the x-axis and y-centrality are both instances of the real line. The existent line is the ground for geometric measurements, and more generally for ideas in metric topology.

What is the Problem? Aren't Rational Numbers Good Enough? [edit | edit source]

Whatever real-globe measurement that anyone could perhaps brand, one can make as accurately as i wants with rational numbers. For example, i can summate the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its bore to within one part in a trillion using the number 3.1415926535898 ( π {\displaystyle \pi \,} itself is irrational.) Put another fashion, you never have to worry nigh the deviation betwixt the rationals and the reals in a lumber thou or a laboratory. The technical term that topologists employ for this state of affairs is that the rationals are dense.

The shortcoming of the rationals, that is overcome past defining the reals, is a somewhat subtle theoretical betoken. The most direct instance is that, if i lived in a world with only rational numbers, 2 has no square root, even though it plain should have one.

What do we mean when we say that information technology's intuitively obvious that the square root of 2 exists? What we are actually proverb is the the function f ( x ) = x two {\displaystyle f(x)=x^{2}} goes from being less than ii at x=1.414 to being greater than 2 at x=ane.415, and is continuous. So it must pass through the value of 2 exactly. This is the intermediate value theorem, and is actually rather subtle. In fact, it is the problem that is addressed by the existent numbers. The fact is, if one is restricted to the rationals, there is no foursquare root of ii, (and hence the intermediate value theorem isn't truthful.) This is the famous "Pythagorean catastrophe"[two]. (The ancient Greeks did all of their mathematics geometrically, and all manipulations involved ratios of line lengths that had to involve integers. This meant that they could only deal with rational numbers. The circumference of a circumvolve, and the diagonal of a unit square, were quite troubling to them.)

At that place is no rational number that has a foursquare of 2. That is, 2 {\displaystyle {\sqrt {2}}} is not a fellow member of Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } . The proof is by contradiction.

Allow usa first presume that ii {\displaystyle {\sqrt {two}}} is a rational number. Then, information technology can exist written in the course 1000 n {\displaystyle {\frac {one thousand}{n}}} , where both one thousand {\displaystyle one thousand\,} and n 0 {\displaystyle due north\neq 0} are integers. Without loss of generality, assume that m {\displaystyle m} and n {\displaystyle northward} are the smallest such numbers, in other words, that yard n {\displaystyle {\frac {m}{n}}} is written in lowest terms. Thus, we can write:

( m northward ) 2 = thousand 2 n two = 2 {\displaystyle \left({\frac {one thousand}{n}}\right)^{ii}={\frac {g^{ii}}{n^{2}}}=2} .

Or, equivalently, one thousand two = 2 due north 2 {\displaystyle grand^{2}=2n^{2}} , which shows that k ii {\displaystyle m^{two}} is an even number. And then m is an even number, since the square of an even number is even and the square of an odd number is odd (justification left to student). Then write ( 2 k ) two = 4 g 2 = two n 2 {\displaystyle (2k)^{two}=4k^{2}=2n^{two}} for some integer k {\displaystyle k} , which shows that n 2 {\displaystyle n^{2}} is even and so therefore is n {\displaystyle due north} . Now we accept m {\displaystyle m} and n {\displaystyle n} both even numbers, contradicting the supposition that m n {\displaystyle {\frac {m}{n}}} is written in lowest terms. Hence 2 {\displaystyle {\sqrt {2}}} is not a rational number.

The theoretical property that the rational numbers lack is called the to the lowest degree upper bound property.

Definition: A number B is an upper bound for a ready of numbers if no element of the set is greater than B. (In that location is also the notion of a lower jump.)

For example, 10 is an upper jump for the open interval ( iii , vi ) {\displaystyle (3,half-dozen)\,} . seven is also an upper leap, as is 6. five is not. 2 is a lower bound.

Some sets do non have upper bounds. For example, all rational or real numbers, or all odd integers.

Definition: A number 50 is a least upper bound (oftentimes abbreviated "lub") if it is an upper bound and no other upper leap is smaller. (There is also the notion of a greatest lower bound, abbreviated "glb".) 6 is the lub of the open interval ( 3 , half-dozen ) {\displaystyle (3,6)\,} . iii is its glb. 6 and three are also the lub and glb of the closed interval [ 3 , half-dozen ] {\displaystyle [iii,6]\,} —the inclusion of the endpoints makes no difference.
The least upper bound is also sometimes called the "supremum", abbreviated "sup". The greatest lower bound is also sometimes called the "infimum", abbreviated "inf". For simple cases like the real numbers, the terms "maximum" and "minimum" may also be used.

A set has the least upper bound property if every gear up that has an upper bound has a least upper bound. There is also a greatest lower bound holding, and any reasonable set having one belongings has the other.

The least upper jump property is extremely important in calculus and analysis. Information technology is essential for many theorems, notably the mean value theorem and the intermediate value theorem.

The rational numbers do non satisfy the least upper bound property.

For example, if we can but use rational numbers, the set of numbers that have squares less then 2 has no rational to the lowest degree upper bound. 1.4142136 is an upper bound, but 1.41421357 is a smaller one. The exact square root of 2 is the least upper leap that we need, but information technology isn't rational.

Two Ways to Define the Reals Formally [edit | edit source]

There are 2 ways of formally constructing the reals from the rationals. The simpler way is as Dedekind Cuts, which see. A Dedekind cut could be thought of as a formal least upper bound. That is, the real number 2 {\displaystyle {\sqrt {2}}} is, in effect, defined as "the to the lowest degree upper bound of the set of numbers whose squares are less than two" or as "the Dedekind cut whose square is the Dedekind cut known as two".

(This is a common motif in theoretical mathematics—you define something as the abstract ready of things that have the properties that you desire, so show that they obey all the familiar backdrop of the original set up.)

The set thus created is "Dedekind complete", which is the aforementioned as having the to the lowest degree upper bound and greatest lower bound properties.

The second way is as Cauchy Sequences, which see. The rationals are not "metrically complete" or "Cauchy consummate", in that Cauchy sequences do not necessarily converge. The reals can be, in event, defined as "the things that Cauchy sequences would converge to".

The reals are both Dedekind complete and metrically complete. The rationals are neither. (In full general, the two properties are not the aforementioned—the circuitous numbers are metrically complete but non Dedekind complete.)

Infinity [edit | edit source]

The real numbers do non include infinity. Every existent number is finite, though the gear up of reals is an infinite set.

See besides [edit | edit source]

For a discussion of the philosophical and historical aspects of the various types of numbers, see Our_Playground:_The_Real_Numbers_and_Their_Development.

References [edit | edit source]

  2. Bong, John 50. (2005), Oppositions and Paradoxes in Mathematics and Philosophy, in journal Axiomathes, Springer Netherlands, pp. 165-180, ISSN 1122-1151

Is -9 A Real Number,


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