
How To Fix Backspace Key On Acer Laptop

We are trying to find a working solution for not working backspace key

This article aims to help yous with the problem and gives you some solutions to what to practise if your backspace doesn't work anymore.

Whether yous're using a laptop or a PC computer, it's quite annoying to accept your cardinal neglect to piece of work. It'south much worse if it happens to other keys on your keyboard equally well. Esc, Enter, and Spacebar are decumbent to stop operating birthday with backspace, which is very common. We've got you covered, so permit's go through eight ways to set the problem:

Table of Contents

  • How To Fix Backspace Fundamental on Laptop/PC with Windows 10/11
    • Fix 1: Disable Sticky or Filter Keys
    • Fix 2: Check the Backspace Functionality on Another Laptop or PC
    • Fix iii: Check the Keyboard Hardware
    • Fix 4: Reinstall the Keyboard Driver
    • Fix 5: Troubleshoot Your Keyboard
    • Fix 6: Scan for viruses and Other Malware
    • Gear up 7: Update Windows 10 / 11
    • Fix viii: Clean Keyboard Keys
  • More specific cases of not working backspace key
    • Backspace Not Working in Chrome to Delete Text
    • The Backspace Key is Not Working in Give-and-take
    • The Backspace Key is Non Working in Excel
    • The Backspace Central is Non Working on Discord
    • The Backspace Fundamental is Not Working in Outlook
  • Is There Any Shortcut for the Backspace Key on the laptop / PC?
  • Conclusion

How To Fix Backspace Key on Laptop/PC with Windows 10/eleven

When it comes to fixing the Backspace key, in that location are a few solutions to execute. They are like shooting fish in a barrel to follow and have both basic and advanced measures. Thus, you should try one or all of them to get the key working again.

Set 1: Disable Sticky or Filter Keys

If you are wondering how to fix backspace central on windows ten/11 this should be the very kickoff thing to try. If the issue is only with the Backspace key, you can try and disable the filter or viscid keys. Turning off the filter keys will discard the risk of all probable interruptions to the keyboard's overall functionality, which may fix the Backspace result.

Filter keys are useful for easier typing than normal by deterring the keyboard from focusing on repeated or brief strokes. At times, your keyboard is greatly influenced past these keys. This is likewise the case with the Pasty key. Thus, it is wise to switch off these keys when it comes to how to go the Backspace key functioning back normally. Following are the steps for disabling these keys on Windows ten/xi:

  1. Click Start and type ease in the search text box.
  2. Click Ease of Access keyboard settings from the search results.
  3. Ensure that the settings, Use Sticky Keys and Apply Filter Keys are turned off.

Here's a video that will guide you step-by-stride:

Fix 2: Check the Backspace Functionality on Another Laptop or PC

A man checking the backspace functionality on multiple computers

This is some other piece of cake solution to try and find where the problem lies. Is it with the keyboard or with the laptop? Merely, plug in another functional keyboard to your existing laptop or PC and see whether its Backspace key is working or not.

If information technology is working, it means that the result is in the existing keyboard, not in the operating system. Something must have gone wrong with the keyboard software or the keyboard has undergone some impairment.

Similarly, try using the aforementioned problematic keyboard with another laptop or PC. If the trouble is with the keyboard, it volition non work fifty-fifty in this scenario. Thus, you demand to replace the keyboard. If at that place is a hardware error, the problematic keyboard will work on another PC or laptop.

Fix 3: Check the Keyboard Hardware

Near of us are enlightened of the on-screen keyboard or the virtual keyboard that Windows operating organization provides. It is useful when the physical keyboard has stopped working well. In brusque, it is available for use when your keyboard is non available.

The virtual keyboard works as the concrete one and is probable to aid y'all in finding out why is the backspace not working on Windows 10. The latter is possible when yous use the virtual keyboard's Backspace key.

To open the virtual keyboard, get to Ease of Access keyboard settings and click Keyboard in the left console. In the right panel, you will run across the Onscreen Keyboard option. At present, on it, simply press the Backspace primal using your mouse.

If the key works, it means that your concrete keyboard is somewhat damaged or cleaved. This is also the inference to depict when other keys do non work. If the Backspace cardinal on the virtual keyboard is not working, it indicates that you need to update the keyboard driver or get rid of the windows ten system error, if any.

Prepare 4: Reinstall the Keyboard Driver

This is the solution to try if the Backspace key of the on-screen keyboard does not function. This malfunctioning means the upshot lies in the keyboard commuter. The corrupted association between windows x and your physical keyboard is the reason why your Backspace key has stopped working.

To go rid of the corrupted keyboard driver, simply uninstall the keyboard. To do and so:

  1. Printing the Windows logo key and the R primal at one time on your keyboard. The Run dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter devmgmt.msc in the text box. The Device Manager window is displayed.
  3. Expand Keyboards.
  4. Right-click your keyboard commuter or software and select Uninstall device from the context menu.
  5. Reboot your laptop or PC and then that Windows can reinstall the keyboard automatically.

At present, check whether the key is working or not. If you lot practise non want to uninstall the driver, you tin even try updating the driver by selecting Update driver from the context menu.

Set 5: Troubleshoot Your Keyboard

Did you know that windows vii, viii, and ten can troubleshoot your keyboard? Well, the operating system comes with an integrated keyboard troubleshooter. To use this utility in Windows ten, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Search icon on the taskbar and enter Settings.
  2. Select the Update & Security option.
  3. Select Troubleshoot from the left bar menu.
  4. Scroll until yous observe Keyboard in the correct panel.
  5. Select Keyboard and click Run the Troubleshooter. Troubleshooting will start.
  6. Allow the utility to complete the scan and so follow the instructions.
  7. Reboot your estimator and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Fix 6: Scan for viruses and Other Malware

If your computer is facing a malware attack, the probability of it restricting the employ of keyboard keys such every bit Backspace and Enter up to some extent is loftier. Thus, it is wise to use a tool such as Windows Defender or Malwarebytes for detecting malware intrusion. If this is the reason, you volition have to run your antivirus or antimalware software to get rid of the malware.

Fix vii: Update Windows 10 / eleven

Updating your windows software very often helps with restoring broken functionality such as broken backspace or enter keys

If y'all have checked your keyboard and it is physically skillful, have checked and updated the keyboard drivers, and have detected no malware attack, it is fourth dimension to update Windows 10 / eleven if the Backspace key is still not working. This is a large promise to restore the key'south functionality to Chrome and other applications.

To update Windows 10 / 11, you should check for Windows Update in Settings. If there are any new updates, Windows 10 / 11 will exist installing them.

Ready 8: Clean Keyboard Keys

A girl in a yellow blouse cleaning her keyboard with a towel

It is wise to effort easy and bones solutions first. 1 of them is to clean the keyboard such that all dust and dirt go away. You tin fifty-fifty remove the Backspace fundamental to know whether it is damp or covered with dust and clean it completely.

This solution is probable to work for nearly users. Nonetheless, it may not work for all users, every bit the underlying cause could be related to hardware. So, if this does non work, it is worth trying out other below solutions.

More specific cases of non working backspace key

Backspace Not Working in Chrome to Delete Text

The Backspace cardinal is a pop shortcut in Chrome. Notwithstanding, afterward an update, you lot may accept noticed that the shortcut does not work anymore. At present, you may have idea that something is incorrect with Chrome or some malware has done its wicked job.

Well, in reality, this is non the reason. Google has wittingly removed this shortcut, beginning from version 52. The reason why Google did then was several complaints of losing data unintentionally as a outcome of pressing Backspace while non typing.

There'due south one solution to that, you can install the Shortcut chrome extension and override the default browser's settings or become used to the new keys combination introduced by Chrome:

Now, in Chrome, you need to use the backspace primal alternative, meaning a new set of keys to navigate. Yous can now navigate webpages in Chrome past pressing Alt + left arrow to open up a previous page and Alt + right arrow to move forwards

The Backspace Cardinal is Non Working in Word

If you accept tried all the in a higher place-mentioned fixes and zilch works then chances are that information technology's a software-specific outcome. This is how to fix backspace non working in Word:

  • From the navigation menu selectFile -> Options -> Avant-garde -> Editing Options
  • Check the "Typing replaces selected text" field and salvage the settings.

The Backspace Key is Not Working in Excel

There are no settings in Excel that would block the backspace key and so if you accept tried all the 8 fixes mentioned above chances are that it'southward just a software issue. Check for the updates or try to quit and reset your Excel. That should hopefully solve your outcome!

The Backspace Key is Not Working on Discord

I've heard many people lament about the backspace central non working properly on Discord and this is the Discord glitch. Basically, each fourth dimension you hit backspace your cursor is moved to the starting time of the text field.

Y'all can easily fix it by going to Settings > "Text and images" and turning off the "Use slash commands and preview emojis, mentions, and markdown syntax every bit you blazon" feature.

The Backspace Fundamental is Not Working in Outlook

I've seen a few people struggling with using the backspace key in Outlook (Exchange and As it appears it'south a bug in the Microsoft Edge browser and then the solution is quite simple: merely apply a unlike browser (such as Chrome or Firefox).

Alternatively, just don't go full-width with your screen. This should assistance.

Is In that location Any Shortcut for the Backspace Key on the laptop / PC?

Unfortunately, at that place'due south no alternative fundamental that would do the same as backspace however there may be a workaround: only try to select the text with your mouse/touchpad and tap the delete (DEL) button. Information technology should delete the highlighted office of the text.

More useful manufactures yous may like:

  • My keyboard is interim WEIRD! (Help)


When information technology comes to why my Backspace is not working in Chrome, MS Word, or Windows 10 / 11; it is required to troubleshoot the upshot by scanning the related hardware besides every bit software.

How To Fix Backspace Key On Acer Laptop,


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